Software tests
At Digiteq Automotive, we provide software test management, establish test specifications and program automated tests, including their integration into a customer-built server. We provide integration tests, system tests, acceptance tests, smoke tests and unit tests. We make use of either standardised frameworks (JTest, JUnit…) or we establish customised frameworks.
- Test management and test specifications
- Programming automated tests, including their integration into the customer’s server
- Integration, system, acceptance, smoke and unit tests
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Component testing
We test control units in specific testing environments, check the functions of these devices and analyse any detected errors. We place a great emphasis on automation and the development of our own testing tools. We create synergies for the group’s brands, as some components and their functions are similar.
- A test centre with its own testing tools
- Function tests for the vehicle´s electronic units
- Diagnostic tests in specific testing environments
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Integration tests
Integration tests can detect errors in a unit’s interactions in the pre-serial production stage or development stage. At Digiteq, laboratory tests are carried out on special models of future vehicles or using testing devices which we have partially developed in house.
- Electronic unit communication tests
- Acceptance tests for new components
- Resistance tests for individual systems
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The development of testing environments and simulations
That is why we develop sophisticated testing environments which can simulate and test various conditions, including marginal conditions. This saves both money and HR-resources and, furthermore, it also enables a high level of automation of the tests.
- Developing an environment for component and integration tests
- Software and hardware simulation for vehicle parts
- An automated user interface control
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Testing the entire vehicle
Tests of entire vehicles are most frequently carried out on prototypes and pre-serial production vehicles. We use the latest diagnostic and testing technology to analyse and record the vehicle data. We verify the functions and systems under real-life conditions and this enables us to discover even the slightest deviations from the desired state.
- Recording and analysing vehicle communication data – data logging
- Simulating operating statuses and errors in a car
- EMC tests
- Verifying electronic component quality
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