Our Business Partners

Innovative and adaptable, supported by strategic partnerships and networking, is what makes us a leader in our field. As a 'bridge builder' among Volkswagen brands, we are committed to quality and collaboration.

AEM meeting

Who we work for

CARIAD and Škoda Auto are our main customers, but we also provide services and offer products to other Volkswagen Group members and their suppliers.

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Who we work with

We are pleased to partner with Synchrotek, xBerry, and Qarbon IT to enhance the value we offer to our customers. This collaboration brings together industry-leading expertise and innovative technologies, enhancing our ability to provide comprehensive solutions tailored to your unique needs.



We are proud to be members of the Czech Automotive Industry Association and the Czech Association of Artificial Intelligence. By partnering with these respected organizations, we actively contribute to shaping the future of technology and industry standards, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of advancements and best practices.

Ceska asociace umělé inteligence