Simulation platform DiRKUnicorn - Universal Controller for Testing
Unicorn is a web-based user interface for DIRK simulator. However, thanks to its architecture it can be used for control of any simulator or a device with open (preferably XIL-based) API. Its basic feature to simply set value and read value via web browser provides versatility for connecting even multiple systems under one dashboard that can be shared among users.
Therefore, its primary purpose of HIL Testing control screen is not limited. Status from measurement devices in the testbench can be collected too. In addition, devices from multiple vendors can be controlled provided that they have open API.
All this comes without installation needs and easily accessible via browser thanks to cloud technology in the core of the Unicorn. It does not have to maintain and restrict another application and Windows setting is not complicating its usage. In addition, updates come unnoticed for the user.
Web-based interface universality for the screen devices as well. For management, overview screen can be monitored on tablet or phone without any constrains of dedicated PC.
One of the biggest benefits is screen copy and screen sharing. Screen-copy allows quick distribution of useful screens and sharing enhances collaboration among team members without cumbersome remote connection tools. This is a big efficiency improvement that helps solving issues and questions quickly.
Key features
- Universal control interface – usage with multiple vendors and devices
- Web-based for easy access
- Multiscreen with screen-copy function
- Excellent performance for fast responsiveness (handling dozens thousends of signals)
- Centrally maintained – for worryless operation
- Multiuser access for collaboration
- Infinite canvas for unlimited spread
- Compatible with DiRK